Cultivating a Wild Future.
Join the biotech revolution to combat climate change
The problem
Animal cells are the building blocks of human sustenance and biological innovation.
However, current animal farming methods are a major driver of climate change, biodiversity loss, and emerging diseases.
Increases in human population and demand for protein will worsen these impacts exponentially.
The impact
Intensive animal rearing causes significant negative externalities.

Driver of 14.5% of global GHG’s through methane and nitrous oxide emissions.

Major contributor to biodiversity loss in the order of 1k –10k times the natural extinction rate.

Evolving diseases and antibiotic resistant superbugs from overcrowding and antibiotic use.
The solution:
WildBio has developed the world’s largest African species biobank for accelerating the development of the biomedical, foodtech and biotech industries.
Massive advances in science (CRISPR, Gene Editing) and data (AI, Machine Learning) have transformed biotech into an engineering and big data problem. Without wild African species included, we’re missing a critical data set in the global search for innovative biotech solutions.
Now it’s time to commercialise this data for the benefit of all.

Creating Africa’s largest, most unique multi-use cell biobank.
Developed affordably & sustainably for the benefit of the planet.

Our Vision
Cultivating a wild future.
Our Mission
We develop innovative biotech solutions that secure the future of wildlife, biodiversity, and food security.
Our values

Live the Wild Life
Wholeheartedly embrace the opportunity to make an impact.
Part of the Pack
We are each a critical part of a greater whole.
Be an African Leapfrog
We get ahead in leaps and bounds without re-inventing the wheel.
Speak Bravely, Care Personally
We speak our truth, with respect and understanding.
Serious Work Meets Wild Fun
Work hard, play hard.

Meet The Team driving sustainable innovation

Dr. Paul Bartels
CEO / Founder
Wildlife veterinarian with 25+ years of experience in biodiversity and conservation.
Pioneered South Africa’s first conservation biobank.

Dr. Elize Venter
CCO / Co-Founder
Higher education and training industry veteran with 15+ years’ experience leading teams.
Research professor at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University.

Jill Schriever
Chief Science Officer
Former Senior R&D Scientist for Upside Foods with 20+ years' experience in biotech research and synbio.
Leveraging biology to build a better world.
Cell line development process
Foodtech & Cultivated meat


Cosmetics & Textiles

Collect biopsies from different species
Isolate & grow cells
Screen & select cells
Multiply cells
Store in CellRanch™ Biobank
Distribute vials for commercial use
Sustainability Driven
Our work is focused on using cutting edge scientific research and innovation to create solutions for the foodtech, biotech, and cell ag industries to improve the wellbeing of our planet.

With the world's largest CellRanch™ BioBank, we harness nature's vast diversity to create innovative solutions for society.
While the world relies on just a few animal cell lines today, we champion biodiversity to drive greater innovation and discovery for tomorrow.

We reduce the use of limited natural resources—less farming, less water, less land—by turning to nature's own solutions, developed in a sustainable way.
Our approach not only preserves the environment but also drives innovation for a better future.

Disease & Health
Our approach enhances the health of both animals and humans. By reducing reliance on traditional farming methods, we lower the risk of antibiotic-resistant bugs and promote genetic diversity.
Our innovative cell lines have the potential to deliver new capabilities for research, helping to improve and accelerate vaccine development.